My Top Five 20th Century Films

Cary Grant (North by Northwest)… Was he the best looking actor ever?

There can’t be a favorite 20th Century films blog in my Internet resume without a post stating my top film choices!

Alan Ladd (Shane)… In 1950, Ladd was the second most popular male star in American film, next to Gregory Peck

So here goes; in order of choice, my top favorite movies from the 20th Century are:
No. 1 “Gone With The Wind” — Historical Drama
No. 2 “It’s a Wonderful Life” — An everyman’s statement of life
No. 3 “North by Northwest” — Thriller
No. 4 “Shane” ——————– Western
No. 5 “White Christmas” ——- Musical

Jimmy Stewart (It’s a Wonderful Life)… Was he the best actor ever?

My Western is “Shane” because it cruelly, but accurately, depicts much of what the taming and passing of the West included. Alan Ladd is the perfect paradox of retired gunfighter and do-gooder, and Jack Palance is the epitome of cruel.

Musically, “White Christmas” gives me a stunning dance routine from one of my favorite entertainers, Danny Kaye, in an all blue costume. Unstoppable! And, of course, Kaye with Bing Crosby is a great combination! The story isn’t magically without peer, but it’s fun, the stars are tip-top, and the entertainment value is priceless.

Danny Kaye (White Christmas)… Superb entertainer

The Quiz: True, or False
No. 1 — North by Northwest starred Cary Grant

No. 2 — Alfred Hitchcock did more films with Grant and Jimmy Stewart than any other two actors

No. 3 — The female co-stars in “White Christmas” were Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen

No. 4 — “Shane’s” child actor Brandon De Wilde was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar and later became a film director

No. 5 — GWTW won 10 Oscars, including Best Picture of 1939

No. 6 — James Mason played the antagonist in “North by Northwest”

No. 7 — “White Christmas” began its story at the end of World War II

No. 8 — “Shane” also starred Van Heflin as a struggling homesteader

No. 9 — “It’s a Wonderful Life” was a box office bust in its 1946 debut

No.10 – Alfred Hitchcock created small cameos for himself in many of his films

Every statement in the Quiz is true!

Clark Gable (GWTW)… Hollywood’s man’s man

Many films in my 75 years have grabbed my attention, but these five I’ve named here always have held special spaces in my mind and in my heart.

What are your favorites of the 20th Century?


All photos retrieved from public domain photos available at

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